Matthew 4:18


Matthew 4:18

As I stood in the doorway of my classroom awaiting the arrival of the “Future Fishers of men”, my heart beat with excitement.  The lesson I had prepared should not only keep them interested, but wanting to know more. The old clothes hangers I tore apart for the cardboard fishing pole and the yarn cut at 18 inches and a card stock hook waiting in my box for them to assemble at the end of the lesson beckoned me to get them settled in.   After the memory verse was read off the chalkboard and the prayer prayed, we started out journey starting from Matthew 4:18.


The worry I had enveloped myself in for a few days, not knowing if I could still teach successfully slowly ebbed away.  The youngsters smiled and asked questions and were like sponges absorbing more and more. What a glorious feeling that they were going to be responsive to me.


Then the time of putting together the craft was imminent.  Would the little boys be patient and not decide to play war or want to make spears or clubs to swat each other?  My worries set to rest when they sat and followed directions and completed their poles with no blood shed!  I couldn’t have asked for anything better.

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