Can we eat these instead?


Can we eat these instead?

As all little men have stomachs that are never full, sometimes I forget that a simple craft for the birds can become human filler! 


Many Sunday mornings as my little darlings open their minds to learn about one of the wondrous lessons from the Bible, I notice they are staring at my craft box.  Usually I keep it in the smaller room off of the library because I know it can distract them. About half way through this lesson one of them said, “I didn’t eat breakfast this morning and I’m starved!”  I felt bad, but continued on secretly knowing they saw the Cheerios in the box.


We made sure we studied the steps of salvation and prayed for all the hungry people in Jesus’s name and I opened the clear plastic tub. They knew they had a worksheet to do, so patiently they filled in the blanks awaiting their treat, or so they thought!


We took out the pipe cleaners and the Cheerios and I said,  “String them for the birds.” Those little guys did a remarkable job, eating a LOT too.  So as we shared the Word of God, we shared the birds food too and were fed in body and soul.

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